Do any of these situations sound like yours?

  • I have a lot of ESG data to collect from internal and external sources, and I don’t have a good strategy for managing it all.

  • We are collecting data in Excel or Google Sheets and need to formulate a better IT strategy to improve efficiency.

  • I have a small team and no budget for a third-party ESG management tool; I need to configure our current business tools to do the job now.

  • I have a budget for an ESG management tool, but I don’t have the time or resources to evaluate my options and need help.

  • What is the best IT architecture to enable my team to collect and process internal and external ESG data efficiently?

Or maybe you have an entirely different problem; either way, book a free consultation below so we can discuss your needs.


Do any of these situations sound like yours?

  • I need help collecting ESG data from external sources

  • I have identified our stakeholder groups. Now, I need to collect data from each of them and am not sure how to start

  • All our ESG data is spread out in various locations and not useful to use unless we can aggregate it properly

  • I would like to update business workflows so that the ESG data collection process is as automated as possible, reducing effort for my team.

  • I need help translating the unstructured data provided by stakeholders at workshops and from surveys, or interviews or focus groups into structured data that meets my reporting requirements

Or maybe you have an entirely different problem; either way, book a free consultation below so we can discuss your needs.


Do any of these situations sound like yours?

  • I need a data definition manual to help with the accuracy and standardization of our ESG data management ( taxonomy)

  • I want to build data models to guide my IT team in configuring our tools for ESG data collection and processing.

  • We need to build a data pipeline to facilitate the processing of ESG data from collection through reporting and decision support.

  • I need to map and transform my business data into the structure required for ESG reporting.

  • I need help ensuring that all our ESG data meets traceability requirements and will be ready for audit.

Or maybe you have an entirely different problem; either way, book a free consultation below so we can discuss your needs.


Do any of these situations sound like yours?

  • My team needs project management support as we prepare our ESG reporting

  • I want to incorporate ESG data into our existing company KPI reporting system but need help with the process

  • I need to have a way for team leaders to easily see what ESG metrics they are responsible for and how to track progress towards goals

  • How can I easily build management reports to keep leadership up to date on our ESG initiatives

  • I have to translate our business data to fit disclosure requirements but don’t have the time or resources.

Or maybe you have an entirely different problem; either way, book a free consultation below so we can discuss your needs.